Leave the world through wisdom
Come back to the world through compassion
- a path towards human enlightenment that includes community, friendship, residential retreats, study and the arts.
Work on your mind with committed Buddhist teachers.
Progress towards a more developed consciousness.
Live in the context of an aspirational community.
At the London Buddhist Centre you’ll learn how to work effectively with your mind from committed Buddhist practitioners. We teach meditation, mindfulness, and Buddhism in ways that are relevant to contemporary life. All this within the context of an aspirational community.
The London Buddhist Centre is at the heart of a varied and vibrant community of Buddhist practitioners in East London. We teach Buddhism and meditation in a way that's relevant to contemporary life.
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11 Feb
7:15 pm
9:30 pm
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11 Feb
1 Apr
Life with Full Attention
By putting mindfulness back into its Buddhist context, this course offers a way to transform ourselves and the ways we affect the world around us. As we learn to live with full attention, we become wiser - and the world needs wise people, who aren’t reacting habitually to life. Over eight weeks, delivered both in-person and online, you will explore various aspects of mindfulness and how to put them into practice in your life.
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24 Feb
7:15 pm
9:30 pm
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24 Feb
24 Feb
The Seat of Enlightenment: An Evening with the Chair of the London Buddhist Centre
Join Suryagupta, the Chair of the London Buddhist Centre, as she is freshly back from her first ever pilgrimage to India. During this inspirational evening, she will share her images and stories of the mountains of Kalimpong, and her meetings with the Enlightened masters of the past. She will also offer her experience of sitting under the Bodhi Tree, where the Buddha gained Enlightenment. The Mandala cafe will be serving a special, discounted meal: all welcome!
In person and online.
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26 Feb
7:00 pm
3:00 pm
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26 Feb
2 Mar
Buddhism & Meditation Immersion Retreat
Human minds are tricky. They can be wonderfully wise or seriously toxic (and everything in between). It’s not our fault, but our minds can get us into some really bad places, or we can train our mind to get the most out of life. Everything we ever experience is experienced through our mind, so the state of our mind is the state of our life. If you’re serious about working with your mind, you need to give yourself time, space, and good conditions - away from our Westernized drive-through life and its dissipations.
£360 full | £290 conc | £240 18-25s
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15 Feb
4:30 pm
9:00 pm
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15 Feb
15 Feb
Parinirvana Festival
Impermanence and the preciousness of life are cornerstone teachings of Buddhism. On this unique festival, we honour the moment of the Buddha’s physical death two and a half millennia ago.
In person, just turn up.
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24 Feb
7:15 pm
9:45 pm
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24 Feb
31 Mar
Introduction to Buddhism & Meditation Course
This six-week course will introduce you to key Buddhist principles and two meditation practices that cultivate self-awareness, open-heartedness and insight. Ideal for understanding the wider context and purpose of Buddhist practice.
£130 Full / £85 Conc
In person, book online.
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26 Feb
7:15 pm
9:30 pm
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26 Feb
2 Apr
Foundations of Meditation Course
A six-week course in the essentials
Think you can’t meditate? In this six-week course, learn everything you need to establish a daily meditation practice to transform your mind and cultivate positive, robust mental states.
£130 full / £85 conc
In person, book online.
Online offerings
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16 May
2:26 pm
3:26 pm
Online On-demand
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16 May
16 May
Meditation Step by Step: Your Guide to Mindfulness
Our on-demand online course
An online course that you can take at your own pace. The course is taught by Suryagupta – Chair of the London Buddhist Centre. Teaching videos, guided meditations and worksheets, all of which can be done in your own time and that you can come back to as many times and you’d like.
£99 - Concessionary rates available
Online only.
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2 Jan
8:00 am
9:00 am
Online On-demand
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2 Jan
2 Jan
Online Morning Meditation
Over the New Year, you can join others for morning meditation classes online. Each morning will begin with teaching to inspire your practice, followed by an unled meditation.
Online only.
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3 Jan
8:00 am
9:00 am
Online On-demand
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3 Jan
3 Jan
Online Morning Meditation
Over the New Year, you can join others for morning meditation classes online. Each morning will begin with teaching to inspire your practice, followed by an unled meditation.
Online only.