Tiratanaloka Unlimited

Supporting Women Training for Ordination

Fill the world with more compassion and more wisdom! Join in this season of fundraising to support a new Tiratanaloka retreat centre and help ordain 1000s more women.

Ordination in Triratna means dedicating your life to wisdom and compassion for the sake of all beings. Training for ordination takes several years, and supports people to grow into their own unique potential and become a force for good in the world.

Currently, over 1000 women worldwide* are training for ordination. 10% of these are connected to the LBC. However, Tiratanaloka, the retreat centre for ordination training, is too small. Many of these women have the energy and inspiration, but due to the lack of space, the brakes are put on their progress and momentum creating a bottleneck.

With your help, we can change this. We want the ordination journey for women to feel unlimited. The ordination of more women will benefit them and countless others as their commitment and the Buddha’s vision ripples out into the world.
*outside of India

“There are hundreds of books on mindfulness, but for a practical guide I would turn first to Life with Full Attention by Maitreyabandhu...."

Alice O'Keefe

- The Guardian

Fundraising together for a new retreat centre 

Tiratanaloka Unlimited is a campaign to establish a new, larger women’s retreat centre that can run retreats for at least 60 people and house a community of 12 (learn more about Tiratanaloka Unlimited).

Women training for ordination are ready, the Tiratanaloka team is ready, we now need everyone’s help to raise enough funds to make this a reality.

The LBC is passionate about supporting Tiratanaloka and from 8th April to 26th May we’re hosting Sangha-led events for Tiratanaloka Unlimited. It will start with a special evening with Maitreyabandhu and Subhadramati, and end on Buddha Day, with talks from Suryagupta and Subhuti. Throughout there will be opportunities to get involved and to give.

Whatever is raised during this season, the LBC will match-fund up to £50,000! This means that if you give £1000, LBC will match it to give another £1000, creating a £2000 donation. So this an exciting opportunity to contribute to a project that will benefit others for decades to come.

What can you do?

Give £1000

Or as much as you can. Whatever you give will be doubled, as the LBC will match all gifts made during this season, so you can instantly turn your £1,000 into £2,000! Plus Gift Aid on your own gift if you are a UK tax payer, making it £2,250.

Set up a fundraiser

You could come up with your own idea for a fundraiser or get together and do something with friends. Perhaps cooking a special meal, organising a clothes sale, a sponsored run, or anything you enjoy. Email bodhimati@lbc.org.uk if you need help getting started.

Come to the fundraising events

Keep an eye out as various fundraising events are revealed, including a yogathon, poetry launch,skills auction, dance events, and more! A great opportunity to connect with others in the sangha, and enjoy giving.

Week 1

Grounding in the Body

We need to learn to stay aware of sensations in the body – particularly around the heart centre and the belly.

Week 2

Noticing and responding to emotions

Just by bringing more awareness to anything in our experience that we intuitively feel takes us deeper.

Week 3

Five stages of the Metta Bhavana

Exploring how life feels – the texture of life. These are the building blocks of our experience, moods, and emotions.

Week 4

Tips for Meditating

Understanding that everything we experience, we experience through the mind. Cultivating our mind towards greater happiness. 

Week 5

Metta in everyday life

Training ourselves to notice that when we act out of positive states of mind, we feel happier, more creative, tolerant, and expansive.

Week 6

Deepening our practice

Enriching our lives with art and beauty.  Mindfulness is about more life – we need to remember to appreciate and enjoy things.